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Urdu Video Tutorial - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 | Office Button Quick Access

Jh,In the name of Allah; Assalam O Alaikum students. My name is Rahat Hameed & Welcome from the The lecture I am going to deliver today is about the office button & Quick access toolbar. It contains different commands for which I have made a presentation. See here that in office button we will discuss about the:
Office Button
·         New
·         Open
·         Save
·         Save As
·         Templates
·         Themes
Customize Quick Access Toolbar Button
·         Customize Quick Access toolbar button
·         Remove buttons
·         Add buttons
·         More commands
·         Show below the ribbon
·         Show above ribbon
·         Minimize the ribbon
Let start the lecture
New:             New command is used when you need a new document, presentation, document in your document or presentation.
Q. How to take a new Presentation?
Ans. Taking a new presentation is very simple. Just press Ctrl+N from Keyboard. And the presentation will be opened. Second method is using office button. Click on office button and then on New. When you will click on new a dialogue box of New Presentation will be opened. Here you can take a blank presentation, template, themes etc.
Open:          Open command is used when you need to open an existing presentation in your PC.
Q. How to Open a Presentation from your computer in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007?
Ans. Opening an existing presentation is very simple. Just press Ctrl+O from Keyboard. And the Open dialogue box will be opened.  Select the file, presentation you want to open and click on open. Second method is using office button. Click on office button and then on Open. The same dialoge box will be opened.
Save:            Save command is used when you need to save a presentation in your PC to use it later.
Q. How to save a Presentation in your computer in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007?
Ans. Saving a presentation is very simple. Just press Ctrl+S from Keyboard. And the Save dialogue box will be opened.  Write the name you want to give your presentation you want to save and click on Save. Second method is using office button. Click on office button and then on Save. The same dialogue box will be opened.
Save As:     Save As command is used when you need to save a presentation in your PC with a different name to give your friend, relative, cousin, or another else.
Q. How to save as a Presentation in your computer in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007?
Ans. Saving As a presentation is very simple. Just click on office button and then on Save As. The Save As dialogue box will be opened. Write the name click on save. You can save it in different types, most common are as follows:
·        PowerPoint Presentation
·        PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation
·        JPEG File Interface Format
·        Gif Graphics Interchange Format
·        PNG Portable Network Graphics Format
·        Windows Metafile

Urdu Video Tutorial - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 | Office Button Quick Access Urdu Video Tutorial - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 | Office Button Quick Access Reviewed by Unknown on 5:06 PM Rating: 5

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