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Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Session Started - Lecture 1 - INTERFACE

In the name of Allah AlmightyAssalam-O-Alaikum Students I am very happy & welcome you in this learning session of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 & this is a series of lectures which will give you the free training of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007. So, in today’s lecture we will discuss about the interface of PowerPoint 2007 & we will learn to open & close it with different methods. We will discuss the names of different parts in it. The first step of learning any software is that we have basic knowledge about the interface of that software. So, without wasting time we start the lecture. First of all, I will tell you how to open Microsoft PowerPoint 2007.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 is that product of Microsoft Corporation © which is used to make presentations, books, articles for college, schools, universities etc. It is very easy to use if you know that how to use it. So to provide my knowledge to the world especially to Pakistani Students who want to learn from their heart the Computer Knowledge. So I launched this session of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 not only in Urdu/Hindi but also in English. I will try my best to write English content and provide Urdu Video Tutorial with English subtitles. So, take place in this good work for the welfare of Pakistan. You just have to share this on your profile with your friends either on FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus, and Pinterest, LinkedIn or other social sites.
Opening Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
There are three methods to open Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 & first method is using Start Menu, 2nd one is from Desktop & the last one is from Run command.
So first of all I open Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 from start menu. For that I go to start menu, click on all programs, then there will be a list of programs installed in my PC. There will be a folder named Microsoft Office. When I click on this folder; there comes a list of Microsoft Office Programs. You can find Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 in that list. When I click on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007; then the Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 opens and interface is in front of my eyes.
 Besides this we can open it from desktop if you have any presentation on your desktop or any other place in your PC. So, I have my presentations in a folder named Presentations for PowerPoint lectures. When I double click on these presentations then PowerPoint opens.

 And the last one method which is most common method is using Run Command. You can open run command using Win+R. I pressed Win+R button and the run command opens where I type PowerPnt. After typing PowerPnt I press Enter or click Open button after which Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 opens.

 So this was the method of Opening Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.

After opening Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 in your PC you see a window in front of your eyes in your PC. This window is technically called INTERFACE. Today we will discuss different parts of this window or simply we can say that we will discuss about the INTERFACE of Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.
1. Office Button
If you bring your cursor in the top left corner of your window you will see a round button. That button is called OFFICE BUTTON. It contains different commands/options like Save, Open, New, Save As etc that we will discuss in the Second Lecture of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007.
2. Quick Access Toolbar
On the right side of OFFICE button you will see a toolbar, that toolbar is called Quick Access Tool bar. It contains those commands/options that are used more efficiently and are more common and are used very frequently in a Presentation, Document etc.
3. Customize Quick Access Toolbar
After that in right side of Quick Access toolbar there is a small button which is used to adjust/add/remove commands/options in quick access toolbar. We will discuss OFFICE button & Quick Access Toolbar in the Second Lecture of Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.
4. Title Bar
Whenever you open Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 for the first time it names it automatically Presentation1. There is written the name of Program on which the file is opened like if I open MS Word 2007 there will be the name of Microsoft Word. The place at which it names the file and program is called Title Bar.
5. Control buttons
After that you will see the control buttons on the top right corner of your Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 which you see almost in every application of Your windows that open in window style like close, restore down & Minimize.
6. Tabs
Downward you will see some text written below title bar like Home, Insert, Design, Animation, Slide Show, Review, and View & Developer. These are called tabs.
7. Ribbon
 You will note that when I click on any tab its downward portion changes; that portion is called Ribbon.
Each Tab has its own distinctive ribbon.
8. Groups/Panels
Each ribbon has its different Panels.
Each panel has its own distinct name like in the ribbon of Home tab contains clipboard, font, slides, paragraph, drawing, editing etc.

9. Dialogue Box Launcher
You will see that some panels have a small button on their bottom right corner of the panel. This button is called Dialogue Box Launcher. This button opens a dialogue box like this.
10. Help Button
On the top right corner below the close button you will see that there is a small blue circle button with a question mark. That button is help button.
11. Slides Pane/Navigation Pane
Below the ribbon you will see a pane which contains your slides. That pane is called slides pane.
12. Horizontal Ruler & Vertical Ruler
On the right side of slides pane there is a vertical ruler and on the bottom of ribbon there is a horizontal ruler.
13. Tabs
When you click on the title box, text box, or add a word Art to write any type of text you will see a small button on the top right outer side of close button of slides pane. That button is called tabs. These tabs are most powerful tool of MS Word 2007 & MS PowerPoint 2007.
14. Slide/Working Area/Presentation
Below the horizontal ruler there is a white space, that space is called slide on which you have to make any presentation according to your requirement.
15. Vertical Scroll Bar
If you have more than one slide then you will see a vertical bar on the right side of window. That navigation bar is called scroll bar which you will use to navigate the slides of your presentation.
16. Navigation Buttons
Below the scroll bar you will see two buttons; the arrow of one button is upward & the other one is downward.  These are navigation buttons also. The upper button will navigate to the upper slide and vice versa.
17. Status Bar
On the bottom of the window you will see a bar. That bar is called status bar. That status bar contains zoom slider, difference documents views, some commands, selected theme etc.
18. Notes Area
 On the above side to status bar you will notes area to write some notes for the presentation if you are making a book, presentation for the college, school, university etc.
There are three methods to close the Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. First one is using control buttons; right click on the title bar, click on close; double click on office button.

So, students this was the first lecture of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 in Urdu in which you learnt about the INTERFACE of Microsoft PowerPoint 2007.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Session Started - Lecture 1 - INTERFACE Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Session Started - Lecture 1 - INTERFACE Reviewed by Unknown on 7:51 PM Rating: 5

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